Refer A Friend

Thank you for allowing us to assist you with your long-term care insurance needs. One of the most gratifying things about this profession is knowing that the people we help will be prepared should a long-term care need arise.

With increased talk about long-term care in the news and with families dealing with the impact of extended care-giving, many people want to learn more LTC issues, but are unsure where to turn.  Most folks prefer dealing with someone they know or someone a trusted friend recommends.  With that in mind, if you feel that we - or this website - has been of help to you, we would ask you to please consider sharing our contact information or our website link with your family, friends and neighbors.

Together, we can get the word out and give your family and friends who you care about,an opportunity to protect their futures as well.

Again, please email our website to your family and friends.  Thanking you in advance!